Saturday, December 13, 2008

Surprise!! - Day 9

We're coming to the harsh realization that we are running out of ways to pay for our life as it currently exists. Pierce's costs are exorbitant, and although we've had a fund set aside for him for a long time, that fund is close to being depleted. Kim's job is great, but her paycheck is entirely gone the minute it arrives in our account due to Pierce's costs. I don't know if we've been in denial or what, but we didn't expect to deal with this yet. It's kind of crept up on us.

We're going to have to adjust our lives big time, and that's ok. We began this journey with Pierce without a clue as to how we were going to pay for day 1 of his therapy. More than three years later, Pierce's therapy has been covered every step of the way. If we have to adjust some things to make sure that continues, that's just part of it. I'm not even stressed out by it! It's par for the course since this whole thing began.

I don't know what's more of a surprise - the fact that we are dealing with this new financial reality, or the fact that we're ok with it. Either way, it ought to be pretty interesting to see the way it plays out.

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